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Stem and Leaf Plots to Histograms

Objective:  Students will be able to make a class stem and leaf plot and turn this graph into a histogram.

Materials:  sticky note for each student and markers.

Group Activity #1: Sticky Note Stem and Leaf Graph 
  1. Have each student note the number of minutes they studied the previous night.

  2. Record each response in an organized fashion for all students to see.

  3. Help students to determine a good interval to make their class stem and leaf plot and mark the intervals on the board.

  4. Help student to decide on a key for the stem and leaf plot, and have them mark their sticky note with their data to fit the key

  5. Have each student come up one at a time and place their sticky note in the correct interval on the graph to make the stem and leaf graph.  Have the students move any prior sticky notes and replace so that they are always in correct numeric order.

  6. Answer the following questions.

    1. Explain how to find the minimum value, maximum value, and the range of the data from the graph.

    2. Explain how to find the mode of the data from the graph.

    3. Explain how to find the median data piece from the graph.

Group Activity #2: Sticky Note Stem and Leaf Graph to Histogram
  1. Rewrite the interval horizontally across the board.

  2. Take each row from the previous graph and turn it into a column in the correct interval.

  3. Have students decide how to mark an interval on the vertical axis and decide how to label both axis.

  4. Trace the height of the column make by the sticky notes, and then removed the notes. Draw the missing lines in to each of the rectangular columns to complete the histogram.

  5. Answer the following questions.

    1. Can you determine the minimum value, maximum value, and the range of the data from the graph?

    2. Can you determine the mode of the data from the graph?

    3. Can you determine the median data piece from the graph?

    4. Explain what information you can obtain from a histogram.

    5. Compare and contrast a stem and leaf plot to a histogram.

    6. If you were going to create this histogram on your graphing calculator,  give an appropriate window range.

C Gulliksen
C Adams

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