-----Original Message-----

From: Sharon Irla

To: chcolwel@mail.volusia.k12.fl.us

Sent: 5/17/2003 3:57 PM

Subject: Re: Permission to use your graphic


Dear Cathy,


I don't have a problem with your school using the graphic for teaching

purposes, on the AlgebraLAB website, as long as due credit and a link is

provided, and I am made aware of the URL for the website where it is to

be used. 


This permission is for that website, alone and if you wish to use this

graphic elsewhere, that would, again, require our permission.  I also

reserve the right to cancel permission, for any reason, but most

particularly, if it appears that the graphic is being used for other

than specified purpose, or appears to have been misused or misleading in

some way; or the URL link causes any adverse conditions for either Art

Vision or its artists.


If you agree with the terms above, then you are more that welcome to use

our graphic.


Good luck with your new website!


Sharon Irla, President




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On 5/14/03 at 10:50 AM chcolwel@mail.volusia.k12.fl.us wrote:


>In April of 2003, Mainland High School received a state Enhancing


>through Teaching with Technology (EETT) Grant. Our purpose is to design


>develop an online, integrated math and science learning environment


>AlgebraLAB. One component of the project involves creating a series of

>occupational profiles that show students the connection between math


>science skills in real world careers.


>As the program manager representing this grant we would like permission


>use on our site the following graphic:


> http://www.art-vision.com/HRT_din_mrl_mounting_2nd_pc72.jpg


>that we viewed at


> http://www.art-vision.com/hartlee%20Dining%20Room.htm


>We will link a bibliography entry back to your webpage.


>Thank you for considering our request.

>Cathy Colwell

>Program Manager

>Enhancing Education Through Technology

>Mainland High School

>Daytona Beach, FL  32114

>(386) 258-4665




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