-----Original Message-----
From: Advanced Pollution Control Tech, Inc.
To: chcolwel@mail.volusia.k12.fl.us
Sent: 5/20/2003 5:01 PM
Subject: Re: Permission to use your graphic
Please feel free to use the graphic you requested. I would like to see
end result.
William Lange
----- Original Message -----
From: <chcolwel@mail.volusia.k12.fl.us>
To: <apctnj@erols.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 7:57 AM
Subject: Permission to use your graphic
> In April of 2003, Mainland High School received a state Enhancing
> through Teaching with Technology (EETT) Grant. Our purpose is to
> develop an online, integrated math and science learning environment
> AlgebraLAB. One component of the project involves creating a series of
> occupational profiles that show students the connection between math
> science skills in real world careers.
> As the program manager representing this grant we would like
permission to
> use on our site the following graphic:
> http://www.advancedpollutioncontr.com/images/hifot5.jpg
> that we viewed at
> http://www.advancedpollutioncontr.com/data/hicapco.htm
> We will link a bibliography entry back to your webpage.
> Thank you for considering our request.
> Cathy Colwell
> Program Manager
> Enhancing Education Through Technology
> Mainland High School
> Daytona Beach, FL 32114
> (386) 258-4665
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