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Welcome to AlgebraLAB. Integrated-Access STEM Sites is very proud to host this curricular content and will continue to develop additional resources.

AlgebraLAB was originally conceived as a math curriculum designed to reinforce the topics and skills needed by students enrolled in physical science courses to be successful. Over the past two years, content addressing almost 40 topics in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Reading with over 185 skills has been developed.

Content on the website is comprised of:
  • Biology, Chemistry, and Physics graphs providing a connection between math and science.
  • Career profiles each providing summaries, pictures, local Daytona Beach area companies, an online bibliography, and additional links for further information.
  • Comprehensive, interactive glossary of math and science terms with pronunciation guides, definitions, and examples
  • EXCEL modeling using spreadsheets to illustrate relationships of special math functions.
  • Field-tested hands-on science activities providing math applications in physics/chemistry.
  • Internet Data exercises allowing students to manipulate and analyze real data.
  • Lessons providing instruction on each topic/skill combination as well as a comprehensive set of instructions on how to use the TI graphing calculator
  • Practice pages providing additional exercises for each topic/skill combination.
  • StudyAids for Algebra I and Algebra II called “Recipes for Success.”
  • Technical reading passages uniting reading and math skills.
  • Word Problems uniting reading and math skills.
Our search engine is conjunctive; that is, it reports materials that belong to all categories you specify. It is recommended that you begin any search in the most general manner and then, as necessary, narrow it down by choosing additional search criteria: course, contributor, document type, Sunshine State Standard, topic, skill and/or keyword.

Results of any search will be displayed alphabetically by document type.
represents a hands-on activity,
represents a lesson,
represents practice exercises,
represents a set of StudyAid notes, and
We hope that you will continue to visit the site over the upcoming months as we build our resources!

Directions for Glossary Terms

Our current glossary contains over 700 math and science terms. On all of our lesson, practice, reading comprehension, studyaids, and word problem pages these terms are presented in a purple font and are further denoted by a dotted underline; for instance, line segment. As you can see from this example, when you click on a glossary term, a new window will open giving you the word's pronunciation, a definition, the subject area for the definition, and an example.

On these pages,
Example signifies an accompanying audio
An alphabetical listing is available on the glossary page. These terms are not available through our general search engine.

Directions for Lessons

Our current lessons consist of an ever-growing assortment covering topics from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, reading, and a comprehensive collection on how to use the graphing calculator.

Within a lesson,
Example signifies that an interactive example follows,
Hint represents an interactive hint, and
Solution represents an interactive solution that contains further explanatory information.
When a question asks for information that is difficult to enter into a text box, it is not necessary to input an exact answer to be able to view the answer. You just need to enter a partial answer in the blank to trigger the answer being posted back to the page.

Interactive examples are critical to the development of each lesson's topic. Therefore it is important that all examples within a lesson be completed as the lesson is being studied. Often information that will make the difference between understanding vs confusion is provided within hints and solutions.

Usage of graphing calculators is encouraged and has been integrated into most of the lessons. Often screen captures are incorporated into both the lecture portions of the lesson as well as in the answers and solutions to many of the examples.

Directions for Word Lessons.

This collection of lessons focuses on giving students instruction on how to work most types of word problems commonly found in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Here is a link to our current word lessons which were re-programmed during March, 2019.

Within a lesson,
Example signifies that an interactive example follows,
audio indicates that an audio file is linked to that portion of the example,
Hint a written hint,
Solution a step-by-step solution for problem.
Solution revealed at the end of the solution indicates a summary of the important incites offered by the problem.
In the first section of interactive "Examples" the questions have an hint button which opens above the example and gives information about how to "setup" the problem. After the student puts his answer in the blank, and presses "Check Your Answers" he will see the correct answer as well as a complete step-by-step explanation as well as a set of common errors predicted by the author.

The second set of interactive questions called "Example Group #2" consists of multiple choice questions that provide a complete solution once the student chooses the correct answer and presses the "Check Your Answers" button.

Interactive examples are critical to the development of each lesson's topic. Therefore it is important that all examples within a lesson be completed as the lesson is being studied. Often information that will make the difference between understanding vs confusion is provided within hints and solutions.

Directions for Practice Pages

Our current practice pages consist of topics from Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Reading.

Within these exercises,
Hint represents an interactive hint, and
Solution represents an interactive solution that contains further explanatory information.
As in lessons, if a question asks for information that is difficult to enter into a text box it is not necessary to input an exact answer to be able to view the answer. You just need to enter a partial answer in the blank to trigger the answer being posted back to the page.

Answers can be checked at any point in the student's progress through the exercises. They do not need to wait until the entire set is finished. In fact, the interactivity of the page is designed specifically to allow them to learn if they are correctly answering questions instantaneously. As long as the student has supplied an initial answer, "Check Your Answers" may be clicked at any time.

When questions are presented in question groups they either share a common set of directions or a common piece of background information - for example, a graph or chart. Students should be warned that in the second type of question groups, their ability to complete subsidiary questions often involves knowing the correct answer to previous questions. It is therefore encouraged that they "Check Your Answers" as often as necessary to insure that they are comprehending the material.

The use of graphing calculators is encouraged.

Directions for Study Aids
Our current study aids consist of a comprehensive set of class notes and companion practice exercises for Algebra I and Algebra II entitled "Recipes for Success." We are in the process of developing similar collections for Trigonometry and Introductory Calculus. The use of the graphing calculator is encouraged in all of these courses.

Within a study aid,
Solution signifies the start of a set of class notes,
Example signifies a series of interactive examples, and
 Answer represents an interactive answer.
Questions on our study aid pages differ from those provided on practice pages in that students are not asked to supply their own initial answers. The study aids were designed to supplement a teacher's classroom lesson. Answers are being provided to allow a student who is practicing or reviewing the lecture examples the ability to verify that he/she reached the correct answer to each sample problem.

At the bottom of every recipe there is a link Companion Exercises to a specially designed page of companion exercies that provides further practice for the skills presented in that particular set of class notes.

Conversely, at the top of each set of practice exercises there is a link Companion Recipe to the course notes in each corresponding "Recipe for Success."

Search Example

You can locate these materials through our search engine by choosing the

  • the document type as StudyAid
  • the keyword as Recipe
Try it!

Technical Reading Comprehension Passages

As of March 1, 2019, Reading Passages were incorporated under Practice Pages due to a programming error when we moved to our new system. You can search for a specific passage by following this search rubric:

Search Example

You can locate these materials through our search engine by choosing the

  • the document type as Practice
  • the keyword as Reading Passage
Try it!

Students are provided with sixteen reading passages that include some type of mathematical information. The passage will be followed by a series of 5-10 comprehension questions signified by the section header General Questions.

After the students have submitted their answers, their results will be graded and explanations will be presented. Students will learn not only why a selected answer was incorrect, but also why the correct answer was right.

After the reading passage, links will be provided to lessons and practice to help reinforce their knowledge on the math skill that was needed to make a decision. At the end of the reading passage,
Usage Agreement and Copyright

This website and all content contained herein were created at Mainland High School with its affliated content providers. Integrated-Access STEM Sites retains full ownership rights on AlgebraLAB including, but not necessarily limited to, all text passages, videos, animations, images, buttons, and XML formats, unless otherwise credited to other sites.

You are allowed to link to any part of this site as long as the ownership and authorship of this site and its contents are credited to AlgebraLAB.

You may not download this site for presentation as your own material, nor may you mirror or frame this site or hotlink its content in any manner. No AlgebraLAB lessons, practice pages, study aids, hands-on activities, videos, animations, or images may be installed on any server other than that contracted by Catharine H. Colwell on behalf of Integrated-Access STEM Sites without express prior written permission.

Integrated-Access STEM Sites retains all rights to derivative works, whether in English or in any other language, and to any profits to be derived from this or its derivative works.

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Project Manager
   Catharine H. Colwell
Application Programmers
   Jeremy R. Blawn
   Mark Acton
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All rights reserved.