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Internet Data: Most Visited Sites in U.S. National Park System

General Questions

According to the Kids Outdoors website, in 1995 did more people visit sites in the National Park System that were located East of the Mississippi or sites that were located West of the Mississippi?

What percent of the Top 10 Most Visited Sites in 1995 were also among the Top 10 Most Visited Sites in 2003?

Did any sites retain the same ranked position in both lists?

According to these sources, there were 84,870,829 visits made to the Top 10 National Park System Sites in 1995 and 83,777,567 visits made to the Top 10 National Park System Sites in 2003. What percentage of each year's visits were made to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area?

Question Group #2
Directions and/or Common Information: 
The following EXCEL graph of the recreation visits by year to the National Park System from 1916 through 2003 was created from data provided in the PDF entitled National Park Service 10 Most Visited Units & National Parks in 2003

There are five intervals in which the number of visitors to the National Park System decreased over a period of years. Which interval represents the greatest drop in visitors?

Which of the preceding five time intervals represented the greatest percentage change in the number of visitors?

Which interval represents the greatest growth in visitors per year?

What could explain the tremendous jump in visitors between 1974 (171.0 million visitors) and 1976 (216.6 million visitors)?

C Colwell

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   Catharine H. Colwell
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